Hijri Date Today in UAE

Hijri Date

The Hijri calendar, also known as the Islamic or Muslim calendar, holds deep cultural and religious significance in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). As a guide for Islamic religious occasions and celebrations, it shapes many aspects of everyday life for Muslims. Determining the accurate Hijri date is an important responsibility, carried out in the UAE through moon sighting committees that announce the start of new months. As the official calendar for Islamic holidays, the Hijri dates followed in the UAE impact events and activities at both social and official levels.

Overview of the Hijri calendar

The Hijri calendar traces its origins back over 1400 years to the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and early Muslims to Medina in 622 CE, an event known as the Hijra. As the official calendar of Islam, it is intrinsically linked to the practice of the faith for Muslims across the world.

History and origin

In 638 CE, the second Caliph Umar established the Hijri calendar as the official calendar of Islam, anchoring it to the Hijra in 622 CE as its start date. Being a lunar calendar, its months begin at the sighting of the crescent moon, a tradition that continues in present times. While its months consistently alternate between 29 and 30 days through the lunar cycle, the Hijri year is around 11 days shorter than the standard Gregorian year.

Key features

Some defining features of the Hijri calendar are that it consists of 12 months totaling 354 or 355 days, does not adjust for leap years, and dates within it are denoted as AH (After Hijra). Based on the lunar cycle, its year and months are shorter than the solar Gregorian year structure used officially across the globe today.

Difference from Gregorian calendar

The Hijri calendar differs significantly from the Gregorian calendar used worldwide today in that it is completely lunar, does not account for seasonal changes, and its years are around 11 days shorter. This causes Islamic religious events and holidays to occur approximately 11 days earlier each Gregorian year.

Adoption of Hijri calendar in UAE

As an Arab Muslim country, the culture and laws of the UAE are shaped profoundly by Islamic traditions. Accordingly, the Hijri calendar plays a dominant role in society and governance.

Role in culture and religion

In public and social realms, the Hijri calendar sets dates for important religious activities like Ramadan fasting, Eid holidays, and Hajj pilgrimage. People closely follow the moon sighting updates to plan events, travel, and functions based on the latest Hijri date.

Official calendar for Islamic holidays

To align the country fully with Islamic practices, the government of UAE has formally adopted the Hijri calendar for determining all official Islamic holidays and religious occasions. These announcements are made through channels like state media organizations.

Determining the current Hijri date

The process to determine ongoing Hijri dates in the UAE begins afresh with moon sighting on the 29th of each month. A high-level moon sighting committee is responsible for confirming exact dates of Islamic occasions for government authorities to announce.

Moon sighting committee

Comprising senior government officials and religious scholars, a national moon sighting committee scans the sky at month-end to spot the new crescent moon heralding the next Hijri month. Their verdict decides the exact date for key events.

Announcement of new months

Once the committee officially confirms sighting the new crescent moon, authorities like the UAE’s General Authority of Islamic Affairs declare commencement of the next Hijri month. This update is disseminated through media channels across the country.

Impact on Islamic religious occasions

The announcement of Hijri dates governs the public and private observance of major Islamic festivals like Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, fasting routines during Ramadan, and associated traditions. It impacts people across all emirates to sync cultural and religious timings.

Significance of Hijri dates in everyday life

Beyond religious aspects alone, knowledge of current Hijri dates holds relevance for public transactions, legal contracts, official records, and cultural events in the UAE.

Importance for Islamic practices

As daily rituals like five-time prayers (salah), reciting the Quran, and remembering God (dhikr) are structured around the Islamic calendar, Hijri dates guide appropriate times for these worship acts.

Relevance in cultural events

The dates of annual cultural activities like art, shopping, or food festivals coinciding with key Islamic events are fixed each year according to latest Hijri dates for optimal participation.

Use in official documents and transactions

All kinds of private agreements and government paperwork like visa applications or property sale deeds mandatorily record Hijri alongside Gregorian dates for transactions in the UAE.

Future outlook for the Hijri calendar

With deep connections to Arabic heritage and Islamic faith, the Hijri calendar will continue to be the centerpiece guiding cultural ethos and religious spirit in the UAE.

Continued dominance in UAE and region

Given long-entrenched Islamic mores governing society in Arab Gulf states like UAE, the visibility and stature of the Hijri calendar is assured for times ahead within the region.

Increased global visibility through technology

Websites or smartphone applications tracking and converting Hijri dates will further heighten its global awareness and integrate this traditional lunar calendar with modern digital trends.

Enhanced accuracy of predictions

With growing research on advanced moon sighting techniques and calendar algorithms, the precision for predicting future Hijri dates years ahead may improve further worldwide.


Given how interwoven Hijri dates are into the cultural fabric and official functioning of the UAE, determining and announcing the accurate Islamic calendar is of immense importance. Led by moon sighting committees detecting the new lunar month, the latest Hijri date governs major socio-religious occasions, events and traditions for everyday citizens and residents of the country. Beyond just following customs, dates as per the Hijri calendar hold legal and official standing as well for all private and government transactions and records across the United Arab Emirates.


What is the current Hijri date in UAE today?

The current Hijri date today in the UAE is the 8th of Jumada Al-Akhirah, 1444 AH.

Who decides the Hijri date in UAE each month?

The National Moon Sighting Committee of the UAE decides and announces the official Hijri date at the start of every new lunar month after confirming moon sightings.

Is the Hijri calendar only used for religious purposes in UAE?

No, beyond guiding Islamic religious timings alone, Hijri dates are also legally binding for all official documentation, contracts, and records in the UAE.

How does the Hijri calendar impact public life in UAE?

The Hijri calendar governs major cultural events, festivals, holidays, business hours, travel plans, prayer schedules, fasting routines, etc. impacting all residents.

Will Arabia ever stop using the traditional Hijri calendar?

Being intrinsic to Arab and Islamic identity worldwide, it is highly unlikely for the UAE or Arab region to ever discontinue using the Hijri calendar system.

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