Is Hajj status in 2023?

Is Hajj status in 2023?

Overview of Hajj and its significance What is Hajj and why is it important in Islam? The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that is mandatory for able Muslims to perform at least once in their lifetime. Often described as a transforming journey, it holds great spiritual significance and allows Muslims to renew…

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What is the study of Islam?

Why do Muslims wear hijabs?

Introduction The hijab, often referred to as the headscarf, is a veil worn by many Muslim women. It covers the head, neck, and chest areas. There are varying styles of wearing the hijab, but it is commonly wrapped around the head and secured with pins. The reasons why Muslim women choose to wear the hijab…

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Which time is haram for namaz?

Which time is haram for namaz?

When is Namaz Prohibited? Namaz, or the ritual Islamic prayer, is one of the five pillars of Islam and an obligation upon all Muslims. Offering prayers at their prescribed times holds great importance in Islam. However, there are certain inappropriate times when offering namaz is prohibited or makrooh (disliked). This article will explore when namaz…

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12 Rabi ul Awal

What is the date on 12 Rabi ul Awal 2023?

Introduction The date of 12 Rabi ul Awal is of great religious significance and importance in the Islamic calendar. It marks the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. In 2023, Muslims across the world will observe the date on October 7th. Rabi ul Awal is an Islamic month that comes after Safar…

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What date is today in Islamic calendar 2023?

What date is today in Islamic calendar 2023?

Overview of the Islamic calendar The Islamic calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar, is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days. It is used to determine dates of Islamic religious events and celebrations. Basis of the Islamic calendar The Islamic calendar dates back to the Hijrah…

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